Hey Friends,
I know it’s been awhile since you have heard from me… Fall has come like a bit of a bulldozer in my life. I am blessed to have the opportunity to be speaking and teaching at several women’s events this season. There is really nothing I love more than opening the Bible with women and having it transform us together. I deeply desire to serve those women well and spend every spare hour (and all the moms said, “Hahahahaha”) preparing and studying for my time with them. Unfortunately, that leaves little time for writing, although I have so many things I want to share with you.
But, what I can offer you is a Fabulous Free Fall Printable with John 15:8 on it. I have spent the last 6 months studying the Biblical principles of FRUITFULNESS and this verse has become my life’s cry…
“Dear Jesus, make me fruitful here on this earth so that my life will bring glory to your Father.”
So, I share it with you here… Print it, frame it, memorize it, live it, add it to your Fall decor, and let it be your heart’s desire as well.
I hope to see some of you at an event soon! Like I said, my Fall is pretty full, but my Spring is gloriously open right now… If you are planning a women’s event or retreat, let me know if I can serve you and your girls! It would be an honor. I’ll also be heads down writing a Bible Study as soon as the holidays are behind us so be on the lookout for those details!!!
Thank you for following along on this journey with me! HAPPY FALL Y’ALL!!!