I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your comments and value your input. I’m so glad you’re a part of this community. I fully believe that comments on my blog posts create conversations among women that can be encouraging, empowering, and affirming. More often than not, the comments on the posts are more valuable and useful than the content of the blog itself.
That being said, my comment policy is designed to help provide a respectful and safe environment for all of us. Please take a minute to read it and keep each point in mind when commenting. While I will keep 99% of the comments on my posts, I may remove those that don’t fit within the guidelines below:
- Use respectful language. Comments that are racist, sexist, offensive or include inappropriate language, will be removed.
- Be respectful of one another. Comments that are targeted towards or insulting to another person will be removed.
- Do not solicit. Comments that are commercial solicitation, solicitation of donations or spamming will be deleted.
- Be respectful of property rights. Do not post a link to file sharing, streaming or other illegal sites.
- I reserve the right to change, moderate or delete any comment I think is inappropriate, mean-spirited or off-topic.