Day 15: “I Want Some of That”

Opening Prayer: “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.”

Daily Scripture Reading:

  • Genesis 39:1-6a
  • 2 Samuel 6:1-12
  • Matthew 5:14-16

Today we find young Joseph off of the road with the merchants and in the house of Potiphar, Pharaoh’s captain of the guard. We aren’t told much about the transaction between Potiphar and the Ishmaelites (used interchangeably with Midianites). We don’t know why Potiphar bought Joseph, what his original job description was supposed to be, or what Joseph’s state of mind was at this part of his journey. We do see that the Lord was still with Joseph and caused him to prosper even as a slave in Egypt. And Potiphar recognized it. Somehow, this Egyptian that we can assume was not dedicated to the God of Israel, recognized that God’s hand on Joseph’s life was the reason he was successful in everything he did. And Potiphar wanted some of that! He wanted that success to spill out onto his household so he put Joseph over everything he owned.

King David had a similar situation in 2 Samuel 6 when he abandoned the Ark of the Covenant after Uzzah died attempting to move it incorrectly. David was angry and afraid so he left the Ark, the very place that the presence of God dwelled, in the home of Obed-Edom. We read that Obed-Edom’s household was blessed for 3 months while the Ark remained there. When King David heard about it, he decided he wanted some of that and made plans to bring the Ark home.

God’s presence carries God’s favor and the world cannot deny it.

In Matthew 5 we are called the “light of the world.” We are the very place the presence and favor of God dwells today- just like Jospeh, just like the Ark of the Covenant. We are reminded that light is not meant to be hidden, but set on a stand for the good of everyone in the house. Joseph obviously let the presence and blessings of the Lord shine, even though he had been wronged, even though he was a slave. He allowed himself to be a vessel of blessing for Potiphar. Likewise, we are told to let our lights shine before others so that they will recognize our good deeds and God’s favor and glorify Him!

We should be living lives lit up with the presence of God. When we walk into a room, even those who don’t know our Heavenly Father should recognize His hand on us- on our attitudes, in our words, through our relationships, and in our stories. We should be spilling His blessing and favor everywhere we go. Our lives should cause those around us to say, “I want some of that!”

Today’s Big Questions: Are you letting your light shine to those around you? If not, what are the “bowls” you are putting your light under? Do you think your attitudes, words, and relationships cause others to say, “I want some of that?”

Prayer Response: Ask the Lord to make His presence so obvious in your life that no one can deny His favor on you. Ask Him for opportunities today to bless others by simply letting your light shine!

Optional Action Step: Ask a trusted friend or family member to honestly tell you where your life makes them think, “I want some of that” and where you are not shining as brightly as you can.

Closing Prayer:Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  – Ephesians 3:20-21

Day 14: Believing the Lie

Opening Prayer: “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.”

Daily Scripture Reading:

  • Genesis 37:31-35
  • John 8:32
  • John 16:13
  • Ephesians 6:14
  • Colossians 2:8

Jacob believed a lie and it changed his life. When his sons brought Joseph’s falsely bloodied robe to him he believed the worst. Of course he did. All evidence pointed to the lie. Everyone around him corroborated the same deceitful story. Joesph was dead and with him Jacob’s dreams and joy. His whole world was crumbling down as his boy was actually being lifted up.

In John 8:44 Jesus says of Satan, “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” He doesn’t play fair. He lied to Jacob and he is lying to us still today. He will tell you that your dream is dead. He will tell you that you are nothing but bait for those that seek to destroy you. He will tell you that the pit is a punishment and the suffering will last forever. He will tell you no one is coming to your rescue.

If we are not standing firm in God’s Word about our circumstances, our identity, our pit, and our dreams we can fall prey to the lies too. Colossians 2:8 implores you and me to not be taken captive through hollow and deceptive ideas that depend on the things of this world rather than on Christ. We see that it was Jacob, not Joseph, who was the real slave.

Truth is freedom. Just think if just one of the brothers had been moved by their father’s grief and had the compassion to tell him the truth. He would have been freed from decades of bitterness and mourning. He could have gone running to rescue his son and Joseph would have been freed from servanthood and prison. Truth is freedom in our lives as well. But to use it to break chains we have to know it. We have to read it and meditate on it and recognize it when it whispers to us. The lies will come. It’s a given. It will take no effort on our part to be lied to. To stand on Truth, to know it and declare it to the lies, that will take some fight! Are you up to it?

It’s a simple balance that is anything but easy. What are you filled with- truth or lies? What do you pursue- truth or lies? What do you spend your time on- truth or lies? What voice is louder in your heart? The world’s, the father of lie’s or the Word, the Spirit of Truth’s? We get to choose what we listen to- truth or lies- and that choice will change our lives as well.

Today’s Big Questions: Honestly think about the amount of time in a day or week that you spend in the Truth of God’s Word, vs. the hollow things of this world- TV, social media, Netflix, hobbies, etc. Do you need to make some changes if you want live in the freedom of the truth?

Prayer Response: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any lies you are believing about yourself, your life, or others. Pray the promise of John 16:13 back to Him, “Spirit of Truth, please come and guide me into all truth concerning ___________”

Optional Action Step: Spend some time in listening prayer today. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you through His still, small voice. Stay there long enough to recognize it. Ask him questions and listen for His answers. For example: “How do you feel about me? How can I please you today?” Journal what you hear and consider sharing it with a trusted friend.

Closing Prayer: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  – Ephesians 3:20-21

Day 13: Stepping Stones

Opening Prayer:Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.”

Daily Scripture Reading:

  • Genesis 37:28, 36
  • Isaiah 30:21
  • Zechariah 4:10

A little over a decade ago my husband and I were prophesied over at church. When the words “You will be tremendously blessed in your profession” were spoken to my husband, my heart filled with hope for the first time in years. We had been struggling for a long time and “tremendously blessed” was a far cry from the prayers for mere survival I had been praying. Less than a week later, he was offered a new job out of the blue and we assumed this was it! Tremendous blessing here we come! Imagine our disillusionment when that job quickly went bust! What we didn’t know was that freed up an opportunity we could have never seen coming. Those tremendous blessings have looked a little different than we originally thought but we cannot deny God’s hand. Was that middle, terrible, in-between job a mistake? No! It was just a stepping stone to where God was taking our family.

The Midianite Merchants were just a stepping stone in Joseph’s journey. He probably had no idea where he was going or what was coming next. He might have thought that he would be traveling with them forever. He could have never seen the blessings and opportunities coming down the road.

God has His own GPS system and it very often is different than what our own road map would look like. We want to know exactly where we are going and we prefer the fastest route. In a culture that worships efficiency and lives on instant gratification, we can become disillusioned at the small stepping stones and detours in our journey as well. Today we read in Isaiah 30:21 that no matter if we turn to the right or to the left our ears will here God’s GPS telling us, “this is the way; walk in it.” I think this also means that whether the road turns to the right without our choosing, or unexpectedly detours to the left without warning, we can still find our way to God’s destination for our lives.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “The essential thing in heaven and in earth is that there should be a long obedience in the same direction.” Like we read in Zechariah, we should not despise the “small things” or the “small beginnings.” All of life is a process. We don’t put our infants in a crib at night and expect self sufficient teenagers in the morning. We don’t come to Jesus one day and expect perfect Christlikeness the next. We don’t receive a dream, a call on our lives, and realize it in the same season. There will be stepping stones. There will be detours. You won’t be traveling with the Midianite Merchants forever. Trust the God’s GPS.

Today’s Big Questions: Do you feel like you are in an in-between season on your journey? Do you feel like the beginnings of the dream have been impossibly small? Are you trusting the stepping stones? Can you identify the places God’s grace has redeemed the detours?

Prayer Response: Ask the Holy Spirit to speak clearly and loudly today, “this is the way; walk in it.” Position yourself to hear God’s GPS and ask Him for perseverance in a life that is marked by “a long obedience in the same direction.”

Optional Action Step: Draw a road map or timeline of your life. Mark the beginning of your journey with Christ and/or a dream He has given you and then significant events, detours, or stepping stones along the way. If possible, note how long between major events and be encouraged that you are still on the right road!

Closing Prayer:Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  – Ephesians 3:20-21