Like it’s my J-O-B

“Mom, you should have a shop.  You could sell oils and Jesus stuff and coffee, and I’ll be the baker,” my 8 year old, entrepreneurial daughter tells me.

This is just one idea out of hundreds my kids have come up with over the years to secure employment for me.  (Our 7 year old son also thinks Daddy should own a bowling alley rather than “go to the office” because what could be cooler than owning a bowling alley?)  It makes me laugh and slightly furious that they think I need a full-time job to keep me busy… Like being their cook, teacher, taxi driver, laundry service, maid, and full time secretary, referee, and counselor is not enough.

I’m sort of tapped out y’all, but thanks anyway.

My husband and I decided 13 years ago, when our first child was born, that I would stay home and we would sacrifice what we needed to live on one income.  And let me be clear, at the time, that income was extremely limited and uncertain. The babies came much faster than the raises did but the hard roads of those years and the sacred treasures we found along the way deserve their own space.

For now…

I don’t own a shop.  I don’t sell a thing.  I bring no financial value to the household.  I doubt you’ll find a harder worker than me — the hats I wear are endless, as every SAHM knows, and my husband assures me I’d be “expensive to replace” (um, thanks?).  I have plenty of work but no pay.  But let me tell you about my J-O-B.

love like its my job

It’s Prayer.

More specifically, it’s prayer for favor over my husband’s job.

That is my contribution and I believe it is every bit as valuable as any bottom line you want to show me.

It’s February which means the twinkling lights of Christmas have been replaced (or not, whatever, don’t judge me, I like them) with hearts and ads for over-priced roses.  My hubs and I aren’t great at it, though he has always been a better gift giver than me.  But the way to my heart will forever be a cheese plate, hotel stay, and spa visit and that is a little hard to come by on a Wednesday night in the middle of basketball practices and little league try-outs.

So what I’ll give him this year is the same thing I give him everyday.  It may not be sexy but I know it is effective and powerful.  As he goes out into the work force to provide for our family, I pray for him like it is my job.

Do you know the story of Obed-Edom from 2 Samuel 6?  It’s crazy and a little scary but I have a point here so stay with me.

David has just been crowned King of Israel and, after a couple of key victories in battle, he decides it is time to bring the Ark of the Covenant to its permanent dwelling place in Jerusalem.   The Ark was more than just a sacred symbol to the Israelites.  It was the place the actual glory and presence of God rested.  Things were different before Jesus (understatement)!  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament days was selective and temporary, meaning that it wasn’t available to everyone all the time.  David wanted the Ark near because he wanted God’s presence near.  But there were ancient rules about transporting the Ark.  Only the priests could carry it on poles and everyone else was supposed to stay about a thousand yards away.  These laws were a sobering reminder of God’s holiness in light of the Israelite’s sinfulness.

But high on victory and anticipation of a new reign, David and his men decided the rules did not apply to them.  They put the Ark on a cart pulled by oxen and headed to Jerusalem.  When the oxen stumbled along the way a good ‘ole boy named Uzzah reached out to steady it.


God is not messing around.

It says in 2 Samuel 6:8 that David was, “angry because of the Lord’s wrath,” and in verse 9 that he was “afraid of the the Lord that day.”

No kidding.

So, he decides the trip stops there.  Too risky, I guess.  Or too much trouble to follow the rules.  2 Samuel 6:10 reads, “He was not willing to take the Ark of the Lord to be with him in the City of David.  Instead, he took it to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite.”

And watch what happens…

“The Ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the Lord blessed him and his entire household.”

The Lord blew the doors off of Obed-Edom’s life with blessing.  He blessed his wife and kids and extended family, his work, flocks and crops, his entire household.  In fact, the blessing of the Lord was so obvious and profound that word got back to King David and he decided that following the rules and risking the wrath of God was worth it.  He went back to Obed’s home and did what he had to do to bring the ark to Jerusalem.  Why?  He wanted the blessing!

Let me ask you?  What had Obed-Edom done to deserve the blessing and favor of the Lord?


All he did was live in the same house with the Ark, where the presence and glory of God resided.

Ladies, this Valentine’s Day, just call your man “Obed-Edom.”

You see, after Jesus came and then ascended, He sent His Holy Spirit to indwell in each of His followers.  In John 14:16-17 Jesus says, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- the Spirit of truth.  The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him or knows Him.  But you know him for he lives with you and will be in you.”   We also read in 1 Corinthians 6:19′ “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? “

Now we are the place the presence and glory of God dwells.  We carry it with us wherever we go.  Just as Obed-Edom was blessed by the Ark of the Covenant dwelling in his home, your husband, his work and his company can be blessed by the nearness of God’s presence through you.

So we pray.  We pray for favor over our husband’s lives and health and work.  We don’t look for formulas, we express faith.  Learn about prayer, read about it, study different forms of prayer, by all means get a pretty prayer journal… but never let any of that take the place of actually PRAYING.  There are no guarantees.  Prayer will always carry with it an essence of mystery.  It cannot be more about results than relationship.  But I will tell you, God is faithful.  My husband has been granted favor and opportunities his degree and experience should not have afforded him.  He works with people of high integrity in a slimy world.  We have always had what we needed.  And best of all, he loves his job and his people.  Maybe all of that is coincidental, maybe it’s all luck and hard work.  But maybe it’s God listening to a wife’s prayers for favor over her man and his career. It’s not my job to figure it all out… it is my J-O-B  to obey and pray.

So today I am giving you two tools I hope will be helpful as you pray favor over your man like it is your J-O-B.  First, I have put some of my favorite scriptures to pray over my hubs in prayer form.  Praying Scripture is POWERFUL (I will never stop beating this drum)  but sometimes we skip over treasures because the language feels strange.  I hope these cards will make the verses more accessible as you “Ark of the Covenant” of your own Obed-Edom.prayers over husbands jobNext I have put the same verses in note form for you to give to your husband this Valentine’s Day and for the days to come.  I believe it is a gift for them to know they are being lifted in prayer by their wives.  I believe they will have a new confidence knowing the blessing you are calling down over them as they head out to the office or bowling alley.  Stick them to his mirror, in his wallet, on his dash, by his coffee mug… You house the Spirit and presence of the Living God and your man is blessed by it!notes of blessingSo whether you are a SAHM like me, or pound the pavement of the workforce right next to your man, the one thing you can bring to the table is prayer.  Get after it like it is your J-O-B.

Happy Valentine’s Day from my Obed and me to you and yours!



A Fall Freebie for You

John 15:8 Free Fall Printable

Hey Friends,

I know it’s been awhile since you have heard from me… Fall has come like a bit of a bulldozer in my life.  I am blessed to have the opportunity to be speaking and teaching at several women’s events this season.  There is really nothing I love more than opening the Bible with women and having it transform us together.  I deeply desire to serve those women well and spend every spare hour (and all the moms said, “Hahahahaha”) preparing and studying for my time with them.  Unfortunately, that leaves little time for writing, although I have so many things I want to share with you.

But, what I can offer you is a Fabulous Free Fall Printable with John 15:8 on it.  I have spent the last 6 months studying the Biblical principles of FRUITFULNESS and this verse has become my life’s cry…

“Dear Jesus, make me fruitful here on this earth so that my life will bring glory to your Father.”

So, I share it with you here… Print it, frame it, memorize it, live it, add it to your Fall decor, and let it be your heart’s desire as well.John 15:8 Free Fall Download

I hope to see some of you at an event soon!  Like I said, my Fall is pretty full, but my Spring is gloriously open right now… If you are planning a women’s event or retreat, let me know if I can serve you and your girls!  It would be an honor.  I’ll also be heads down writing a Bible Study as soon as the holidays are behind us so be on the lookout for those details!!!

Thank you for following along on this journey with me!  HAPPY FALL Y’ALL!!!



Dear Strong Girl, I See You

Dear Strong Girl,

I see you.

They say the “squeaky wheel gets the oil:  Well, that’s not you.  In fact, most of the time you’re the one with the oil can, quieting the squeaky wheel… the needy friend, the fragile child, the hurting husband, the dark culture, the social injustice.

I see you holding it all together while they fall apart.  I see you putting your needs on the back burner so often that they’ve boiled down to a burnt layer of unidentified crust.   You catch the smell briefly and it’s a reminder of another dish to wash.

I see your loud strength… Your bold, boisterous, brave strength.  I see the way you defend the widows and orphans and underdogs.  I see your Mama Bear Strength when someone comes after your kid, your tribe, the schools and churches and missions you love.  I see the way you are misunderstood and pigeon-holed.  I see the labels they put on you, all the while noting that the next time they need bold, boisterous, and brave, you’re their girl.

I see your quiet strength.  I see your steadfast, serving, show-up strength.  I see the way that families and ministries, care-calendars and friend groups are built on your steady shoulders.  I know the way they all just assume you’ll be there, do the work, organize the thing, send the email.  I know you fear they take you for granted.  Sometimes they do.

I see your big dreams.  I know how overwhelming the passion can feel swirling inside of you… like fire in your bones.  And I see how it threatens them.  You see it too.  Girls who really go for it feel a bit “much.”  I know you want permission.  You want support.  You want the blessing to be strong in a new space.  You may not get it.  Go for it anyway.  I see you.

I see the way some people need you and want you and like to take sanctuary beneath your strength, until they don’t.  They feed off of it until what they want is something a little easier to swallow than truth.  The thing about strength is, it’s strong.  The thing about Strong Girls is they don’t sway and crumble with circumstances or emotions.  That’s cool until it isn’t.  And then I see you alone.  I know that, much to the surprise of everyone around you, you actually feel lonely and question yourself, and wonder how this was the end of the story again.  I see you.  I get it.

I see that your strength is real.  I know it is not a blustery, bossy mask held together by tough words and attention-seeking self-interest.  . It’s not built on bullying others or taking them down.  It shines as you pour your life out again and again and again to those around you.  I know they assume your supply will never end, never run out.  That’s probably not true.  I see the tears you cry in your closet when no one checked on you.  No one returned the favor.  No one thought you might need a bit of what you give so freely… your time, your wisdom, your ear, your strength.  I wish I could sit with you there in the dark, but by the time I get there you’ll be up and at ’em.  No one has time for that kind of self-pity.  Well, no one like you.  Pour on, Strong Girl, but get filled too.  Everyone runs out.

I see you up there on that stage leading well.  Like a Boss, in fact.   I see you and I am for you as you blaze your trail Sister.  And I see you behind, hemming us in with the backbone of your very presence.  I am for you as you mix your strength like cement and hold everyone in place.  That work matters and I see it.

I see you standing like a rock in the middle of a river… The Culture River,  The Unconscious River, The River Selfish. Be careful, Low Integrity Crossing is just up the way.  And there you are, a rock in the middle.  Some will crash into you and curse the reminder you are as they  float away comfortably down stream.  And some will grab hold of you as you rescue them from the current to be so much more.  You’re good like that because you are strong, girl.

I see the people you gather and the causes you champion.  I see the kids you raise and the marriage you fought for until you bled.  I see the friends you saved and the ones lost to the very strength they asked of you.  I hear the songs you sing, the mantras you preach, and the secrets you keep.  I see the home you open, mess and all.  I see the gifts you use, and the ones you hold back.  I see the justice you fight for and the backlash you take.  I see the way you bear other’s burdens, and celebrate their victories like your own.  I see the muscle perseverance and patience and pressing in and all the agains have built..  It looks good on you.  You ARE strong.  I know they all think you “got this”, because let’s face it, you “got this.”   That doesn’t mean you want to do it all.  That doesn’t mean you want to do it alone.  That doesn’t mean you don’t need a safe, soft place every now and then.  I see you.

Maybe the only ones who can see Strong Girls for who they truly are, are other Strong Girls. Maybe the only ones who can understand them is someone cut from the same cloth.  Maybe the only ones who don’t feel threatened are those who possess their own strength in spades. It looks different on you than it does on the girl in the mirror, but familiar all the same.

They will misunderstand you… stand on truth anyway.  They will use you… give anyway.  They will hurt you… love anyway.  They will leave you… offer your hand anyway.  They will take you for granted… serve anyway.  They will hold on to you too tightly, let you go too easily, need you too much, ignore your loneliness too long., love your strength, and then resent it… Be you anyway.  I get it.   I see you and you’re beautiful.